Friday, January 01, 2010


Hi, Neo chiming in again.

Man I tell you, that Aries, christ what am I gonna do? I mean its not like he can hurt me or anything; but I wish he would stop the antics. The guy jumps me at every corner of the house. I can't deal with this much longer. Yea a little play fight is good once in a while, but 24/7 ?..
Well thank goodness he is taking a nap now and I can post for my friends. I finally got the human to stop hollering at me for being on the table, if its both of us, (Aries) he still gets upset; but I knew it was gonna be like this. I just ignore him and I can do whatever I want to do. What!? you think he's gonna stop me? He's gone most of the time anyhow. This human I have is funny, when I was little I used to jump at nothing on the wall cause he got such a kick out of it, lol. New year? wow that's funny; it feels like it did yesterday. Well anyhow;  humans and their customs??
Well time is getting along, thought I would jot down a few words for my friends, let ya know all is ok at the ranch, I gotta go do something....

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