Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Hunt

Now the first thing is deciding what the hunt will be; squirrels and varmints are a bit different than hunting birds. Its not like I just take off and kill just because. So that being decided (think I'll get a squirrel today)
1. You locate a spot that squirrels hang out and have lots around to distract them. Best place for this would be like under the bird feeders you humans like. The discarded shells are still eadible and squirrels are always hungry.
2. is to set your vantage point, behind a tree or if the humans are thinking for you, and don't cut the grass for a few weeks, but this doesn't happen real often.
So we have this all set and we just have to be patient and wait, usually not too long. Our victim shows up, I size him up... make sure I'm not wasting my time... we hunch down, real low, hold my breath, I blend in, he won't see me, I creep forward a few feet. Hunch down lower, stick the tail straight out, helps with the balance. Hunch down lower, do my little wiggle, get my legs ready for the strike... creep closer, no sound, blend, blend, blend... close enough, wiggle, wiggle, ok ready here goes nothing....
Shoot, he saw me as I started my strike, man, them squirrels are quick. Well time to set up again, takes me sometimes 5 or even 6 tries.

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